Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm a runner? I'm a runner!!!

The other day, I was talking to someone about exercise. We were talking about my weekly routine, and she said, "Oh, you're a runner."

That made me pause. My instinctual response was to say, "No, I hate running." But, I thought about, and realized that yeah, I am a runner.

I have always been active. I have always loved sports and physical activities. But I, much like the rest of the country, always groaned when the gym instructor told us we were running the mile. I hated running. It always seemed so pointless. Run around a track 4 times and call it a day. I could do that in less than 9 minutes. What was the big deal?

After I graduated, I continued my dislike of running. I would do boot camp classes, and hate the running days. I did cardio yoga, I worked out on the weight machines. I took group fitness classes. I still loved being active, but I hated running.

I still can't really pinpoint the moment that that all changed. I seriously hadn't considered that I had become a runner until earlier last week. I know sometime about 6 years ago, I started running on the treadmill at my gym before I used the weights, but it was still one of those required chores for me. Kind of like, "If you finish running for 20 minutes, you get to go lift weights."

Then, about 3 years ago, I bought a treadmill for my house. I remember the installation guy making a joke about how he loved installing all of these "really expensive clothing racks". I laughed and promised that mine would get used. And I used it, 2 times a week until I moved out of that house. Then, I moved into a 3rd flood apartment. No treadmill for me, that would have been really unfair to the downstairs neighbors. I did Insanity and Zumba, but occasionally, I would feel the need to lace up my shoes and go for a run through my apartment complex.

Now that I live in a townhouse, I run 3 days a week...and look forward to it. If I miss a run, I feel like I've missed my favorite tv show. I love the feeling of running. I love how strong I feel while doing it. I love the high I get after completing a run. YES, there is a runner's high. I know what you're thinking because I was always one of those people that thought runners must be on some sort of drug to say that they love running, but, it's true. The endorphin rush is amazing.

Like I said, I still can't pinpoint the exact moment I became a runner, but I can tell you how I got there.
1) I started small. I didn't want to have a "really expensive clothing rack", so I made myself run on the treadmill twice a week. I would do a walk/run program where I ran for 15 seconds and walked for 45 seconds. At first, I only did 10 minutes of that. Then I increased it to 15, then 20...

2)The intervals gave me something to focus on. I still interval train because I don't get as bored this way. If you are just running until the next interval ends, that is a tiny goal. It's super easy. And next thing you know, you just finished 30 intervals (30 minutes!). If I jump on think, "Ok, I am running for 30 minutes today, go." I automatically feel defeated. 30 minutes is a LONG time...break it up. If I'm running outside, challenge myself by focusing on each little goal as well...Make it to the railroad tracks, now to the tree, now to the next corner. Small goals. Easy!!!

3) I compete with myself. I track each and every work out I do on my phone using the RunKeeper app. It tells me how I am doing, as compared to myself.  This is awesome!!! I love kicking my own butt. I know that I'm not a fast runner, but I can beat myself in a race. And that's great.

Seriously, those 3 things make me WANT to run. It's crazy, I know. But it works. Of course, those are the 3 things I suggest to everyone when they are just starting any activity. Now, lace on some shoes and go...run, dance, lift, whatever moves you!!!

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